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Recount text : Gathapraya


Hi guys!! Welcome back to my blog and in this entry I want to share my experience at Gathapraya and as the comittee of Gathapraya.
have you ever heard of Gathapraya? Or did you come to Gathapraya? Because if you didn't, you have missed a lifetime experience.

SMA Negeri 3 Bandung has this annual event that always take a Indonesian culture theme. the first event was called Matswapati which was held at 27th of december 2014 and followed with Gamarvani, Megantara, and now Gathapraya.

Our school once again held an event for increasing the traditional culture awareness of the citizen of bandung. The event is called Gathapraya. the word Gathapraya came from 2 different word which are Anagatha and Abipraya that means a hopeful future.

This event was held at 30th of September 2017 and I was one of the committee, I was a part of the sponsorship part so I need to know about this things for receiving sponsor.

when the day came I was worried about the unfinished decoration, but fortunately we had the best decoration team ever. The event started with a parade at 9 AM. It was a traditional costume parade and was joined by SMAN 3 students and some kindergarten students. After it ended, there was a speech to open the event and we also sang Indonesia Raya. After we sang Indonesia Raya, the event finally started. Gathapraya offered a lot of interesting thing, starting from delicious foods and drinks, face painting, traditional games, and even cool performers. At the event, I actually couldn't really enjoy the show because I had to make sure my sponsorship stands was okay. The bands got to perform first and then followed by extracurricular. The all waited moment finally came, it was time for the guest stars to perform. we had really cool guest stars. We had Nidji, Elephant Kind, HiVi, Vina the sand painter, Giri Harja, and Didik Nini Thowok. But the main attraction for this events was the SMAN 3 extracurricular collaboration.

There were a few local infamous performers but still interesting, such as Giri Harja, OSD ITB, and Didik Nini Thowok. Do you know them?? Giri Harja is a Wayang Player or mostly known as Dalang, OSD ITB is a group consist of dangdut lovers from ITB, and Didik Nini Thowok is a traditional dancer who can dance backwards. As the night fell the main performers, the most waited performance finally came. The first one was HiVi. They made the ambience in Gathapraya lovely. Then suddenly the ambience changed to hype and exciting from the performance of Nidji. That day was really fun and exciting and what happened there could be a lesson. 


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